

Theatre Classes Teacher: Silvia Gelmini

The Educator Theatre specializes both from the artistic point of view and from the pedagogical and   psychological students to follow along the path of expression with care, sensitivity and professionionalism.

Specialized as Theatre Teacher at the  Catholic University of Milan – Faculty of Educatio, she works in theatres, companies, schools, drama schools, libraries, recreation centres and various associations in Lombardia, Emilia and Trentino.

She was also called to deal with the drama workshops for the World Day of the Child in 2010 in Milan.

She collaborates with important theatre, art, educational and social organizations: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, il Teatro la Scala della Vita, l’Associazione Il Sipario dei bambini,la Fabbrica del Vapore, l’Accademia del Gioco dimenticato, l’Associazione Sport e Tempo Libero, L’Associazione La città del sole- Amici del Parco Trotter, Moses Onlus, Parrocchia San Giovanni in Laterano, .Eco l’educazione sostenibile, Associazione genitori scuola Bruno Munari, Parrocchia San Lorenzo in Banale, Ass. Cultura e Solidarietà Madonna di Campiglio.

Her CV will be available at the end of the first free lesson and includes also her projects with Caritas Ambrosian for the project on children “When you grow up” and a European Union project, with Associazione Castelli e Ville Aperte in Lombardia, for  creative workshops and the preparation of educational guides for teachers and children, with the Schools for theater workshops, films, paths and Intercultural Human Rights, with Unicef.

Specializing in Communications, also working as author, consultant and journalist enrolled in the national newspapers and agencies for communication.

Together with its pedagogical and artistic in the theater, she studied Creative Writing, Screenplay, Music for Film and Theatre, The dances of the world.

He has published children’s stories and is the author of several theatrical scripts, plays and musicals, Children.

“Education to Theatricality brings the subject to be formed through personal experience and self-discovery, its possibilities and limits, in order to express themselves and communicate. It is necessary, therefore, global awareness of one’s body: a motor level, their means of movement; level affective modes of expression of feelings “Professor G. Oliva