About us

Project Manager and Trainer: Silvia Gelmini
Coordinator of all the courses organized by “Il Mondo Creativo”. She is specialized in the artistic, psychological and educational aspects of the offered training.
All her projects are sponsored by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
After the four-year degree in Political Science – with a thesis in Sociology – at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, she has continued her post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the same University and officially become a Theatre Educator. She is also specialized in Communication and collaborates as author, consultant and journalist with national newspapers.
She organizes training courses and workshops for children, teenagers and adults, for companies, theatre schools, theaters, schools, libraries, parishes and associations in Lombardia and Trentino.
She collaborates with companies, theatres, artistic, social and educational associations in Lombardia and Trentino, including:
Credem – Credito Emiliano (Theatre for Companies – Theatre Workshop with the Team Coaching), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Caritas Ambrosiana, Scuola Bruno Munari, Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Forestry of Milan, La Scala della Vita Theatre, Associazione Il Sipario dei Bambini, La Fabbrica del Vapore and L’Accademia del Gioco Dimenticato, Astl – Associazione Sport e Tempo Libero, Associazione La Città del Sole – Amici del ParcoTrotter, Moses Onlus, the Parish of San Giovanni in Laterano, Eco L’Educazione Sostenibile, Ass. Castelli e Ville Aperte in Lombardia, Associazione Genitoris Bm, the Parish of San Lorenzo, Associazione Genitori Stenico, Associazione Cultura e Solidarietà Madonna di Campiglio, various other associations and libraries.
Complementing her artistic and educational background, she also studied Creative Writing, Screenplay Writing, Music for Film and Theatre, The Dances of the World.

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